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There’s no denying:
we’re passionate about what we do.

Skills and Education Group Awards offer qualifications and assessments which are regulated by CCEA, Ofqual and Qualifications Wales. Partnering with us can be a key strategy for moving your organisation forward. Why not do more?

Skills and Education Group Awards is delivering high-quality and trusted service to Centres and learners, so that everyone gets the education they deserve.

Believing in the potential of every individual, we’re all about:

Partnering for change:

We’re working with hundred of Awards Centres to help them deliver accredited qualifications in diverse sectors that make a positive difference in communities across the UK.

Building the workforce:

The organisations with which we work support occupational competency and knowledge that make industries safer and more productive.

Levelling up:

Our qualifications advance the skills of diverse learners, from women in STEM to new immigrants in climate-related sectors, just to name a few.

For us, collaborative efforts build lasting success. Together, the organisations in the Skills and Education Group family take care of each other and learners and providers just like family.

We know the power of all.

Our partnerships aren’t just with our membership, they’re with each other. Because we know that inclusion and collaboration are key to creating opportunities for everyone.

Meet our team!

Leadership Team

Yultan Mellor

Acting Chief Executive

Karl Stringer

Director of Quality and Regulatory Relationships

Kaye Jackson

Director of External Affairs

Aneka Cann

Head of Brands

Andrea Pollicott

Head of Compliance and Regulation

Elaine Barker

Head of Centre Support

Ruth Goldsworthy

Head of Security and Protective Services

Denise Kriens

Interim Director of HR and Designated Safeguarding Lead

Board of Trustees

By engaging our stakeholders and communities, our Trustees maintain accountability, accessibility and the highest ethical standards and ensure that we deliver services tailored to meet the priorities, values and expectations of everyone we support.

Audrey Traynor


Daphne Saxelby


Elise Temple


Gill Clipson MBE


Jeremy Scorer


Mark Holden


Stewart Segal
